Post Series: Week 1: The Philosophy and History of Philosophy
- 1.1. Philosophers on Philosophy
- 2.2. What is Philosophy For?
- 3.3. What Can You Do With Philosophy?
- 4.4. The Value of Philosophy
- 5.5. Is Philosophy Stupid?
- 6.6. Tyson’s Criticisms of Philosophy
- 7.7. Why Philosophers Make Formidable Entrepreneurs
- 8.8. Why Future Business Leaders Need Philosophy
- 9.9. Philosophy as Quest
- 10.10. Philosophy as an Art
- 11.11. Experimental Philosophy
- 12.12. How to Do Philosophy
- 13.13. Ray Monk on Philosophy and Biography
- 14.14. Adrian Moore on Philosophy and Its History
- 15.15. Optional Reading: A Little History of Philosophy