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Understanding Organizational Patterns w/ Daniel D’Amico

In this workshop, Daniel D'Amico joined us to discuss his work on organizational patterns, specifically how they relate to mass incarceration, and to open a discussion on how these ideas apply to young professionals and business organization.

Does Free Will Exist? w/ Bob Ewing

In this call, Bob posed the argument that free will doesn't exist, led us through a couple thought experiments, and then opened the floor for debate.

The Life of Claude Shannon w/ Rob Goodman

On his call, we were joined by Rob Goodman, co-author (along with former HuffPo managing editor Jimmy Soni) of a book called A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age, to tell the story of Claude Shannon.

A Discussion on Rational Choice Theory w/ Dr. Peter Leeson

In this discussion, Pete explains what rational choice theory is, talks about how it can be used to explain some of society's strangest phenomena (and prove that they're, in fact, rational), and shows how it can apply to your life and pursuits as a professional and entrepreneur.
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