Coding Workshop Pt. 2: Intro to GGPlot2 w/ Salem Marrero This session introduces advanced graphics in R through the package ggplot.
Coding Workshop Pt. 1: Super-Intro to R w/ Salem Marrero This session introduces the coding language R and the interface RStudio.
How to Develop Your Brand Using Kickass Storytelling w/ Abbey Lovett Storytelling is a huge part of your brand. The way you tell your story is essential to showing a potential client or boss who you are.
Making an Online Course w/ Austin Batchelor In this session Austin Batchelor goes over the benefits of creating an online course, how to build a Udemy course, and how to market it.
How to Write and Launch Your First Book w/ Simon Fraser This session is an overview of the strategy Simon used to write and launch his first book in 90 days.