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Group Discussion w/ Justin Hales

Bio: Justin Hales has been featured in the Wall Street Journal,, money magazine and is the CEO of GreenRock, a financial services company for business leaders who are driven to make a difference in the world and are frustrated by the time lost dealing with uncoordinated financial advisors.

Interview with Eric Martindale

Eric Martindale founded his first successful company when he was 18, is BitPay's (one of our business partners) developer evangelist, host of the Decentralize podcast and a builder of serveral startups and open source projects. He's also a huge advocate of self-directed learning and alternative education.

Interview with Albert Lu

Albert is the Creator & Host of The Power & Market Report, The host of The Economy podcast, and the Managing Director of WB Wealth Management. He's a really versatile thinker and highly accomplished professional.
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