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How to Become a Master Negotiator w/ Kincy Clark

In this session, we discuss three different styles of negotiation with an emphasis on what’s called “Principled” or “Interest-Based” negotiation. We discuss practical ways in how you can apply them in a working environment.

How to Create and Sell Online Courses w/ Kyle Young

Kyle Young has made over $1M for himself and his clients through creating and selling online courses. In this call he breaks down his 10-step process for creating, launching, and marketing successful courses and making a living selling them.

An Inside Look at the Gaming Industry w/ Tony Colafrancesco

Game industry veteran and biz dev expert Tony Colafrancesco talks about building professional relationships, breaking into the game industry, gaining respect as a negotiator, and creating niches for yourself in the industry you want to be working in.

How I Dropped and Grew a $1.2M Company w/ Ben Cummings

Ben dropped out of college to start a business. In this workshop, he shares all the nitty-gritty details of starting a business (hiring employees? Things you've never thought about before?), plus shares his top tips for entrepreneurs.

Group Discussion w/ Justin Hales

Bio: Justin Hales has been featured in the Wall Street Journal,, money magazine and is the CEO of GreenRock, a financial services company for business leaders who are driven to make a difference in the world and are frustrated by the time lost dealing with uncoordinated financial advisors.
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