12. (Some) EXTINCTION IS (not necessarily) FOREVER
Is it possible to bring back extinct species? Do we have an obligation to do so? What are the limits? What should the limits be?
Is it possible to bring back extinct species? Do we have an obligation to do so? What are the limits? What should the limits be?
Is seasteading the wave of the future? Joe Quirk of the Seasteading Institute thinks floating cities will allow micro nations to compete for people -- providing better life options and innovations. “Aquapreneurs,” says Quirk, can save humanity from disease, environmental…
Armed with exponential technologies like artificial intelligence, 3D printing and cloud computing, today's entrepreneurs are poised to create abundance.
Two articles on how emerging technologies and innovations can help us live freer and fuller lives without us having to wait on political progress. Fifty Ways to Leave Leviathan (Text) Fifty More Ways to Leave Leviathan (Text)
Andreas Antonopoulos discusses why the blockchain technology behind bitcoin will change the way we think about money, exchange, and private property forever.
Forget flying cars and robot butlers. If José Cordeiro has it his way the future will be a far more interesting place. What's more, it may be coming sooner than many of us ever imagined.
"The onset of the 21st century will be an era in which the very nature of what it means to be human will be both enriched and challenged, as our species breaks the shackles of its genetic legacy, and achieves…
Peter Diamandis, Chairman and Co-Founder of Singularity University, discusses the best way to predict the future, and shares his personal philosophies on innovation and the commercial space industry.
Economist Steven Horowitz explains where futurists often go wrong when attempting to predict the future. Why Do Futurists Get So Much Wrong? (Text)
Four short videos on the possibilities of the future: 1) How the Internet of Things Will Change the World 2) How Robots Are Entering Our Everyday Lives 3) Creating Objects On Demand With Programmable Matter 4) Vertical Farms and the…
Three short videos from futurist and techno-optimist Jason Silva on the technological singularity and why he's excited about the future.
Scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson discusses how much progress is possible in 15 years. “Will there ever be the end of war? Perhaps. The end of hunger? Perhaps. But you have to envision it first... That’s where change comes from.”