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We’re often reminded that our ignorance of the past condemns us to repeating the failures of old, but the reverse is also true. By introducing our minds to yesterday’s stories of seemingly ordinary people overcoming seemingly extraordinary obstacles, we equip ourselves with the confidence and insight necessary to transcend the illusions of impossibility that stand tall in our own time.

History isn’t just about about studying wars and dead presidents. It’s about developing your ability to see the big picture. History is like a giant toolbox full of creative ideas. The more you know about the past, the better you’ll be at creating the future.

Learning Exercise:

  • Pick one of the pieces of content from above and publish a blog post explaining what you learned and how you intend to apply that lesson in your life.

Questions for reflection & discussion:

  1. Why do many people find history boring?
  2. How can history make you more creative?
  3. What do you consider to be the greatest invention in history? Why?
  4. What is the myth of the great man? Why does it persist?
  5. What’s another way of seeing history?
  6. In your opinion, what’s the important thing about history?
Post Series: Module 4: Unlocking the Hidden Entrepreneurial Mindsets
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